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Race Results

Note: Only contains races recorded on this site.
Compiled by Bill Vanselow

TrackAngell Park,WI
SeriesMidwest Sprintcar Association (MSA)

Driver Count: 5
1Travis Arenz3
2Tim Haddy2
3Ben Schmidt1
Brandon Berth1
Kurt Davis1

Count: 10
Race DateClassSeriesTrackWatchRaceCar CountWinnerStartStory
Sunday, July 14, 2024Wing 360MSAAngell Park,WISpeedSport
Sunday, June 2, 2024Wing 360MSAAngell Park,WISpeedSport
Sunday, July 16, 2023Wing 360MSAAngell Park,WISalute to Bryan Gapinski21Brandon Berth8Berth enjoys first taste of MSA A-main victory at Angell Park Speedway
Sunday, June 4, 2023Wing 360MSAAngell Park,WI20Ben Schmidt1Schmidt secures first career Angell Park victory in MSA headliner
Sunday, July 17, 2022Wing 360MSAAngell Park,WISalute to Bryan Gapinski16Tim Haddy1Haddy outduels Gerrits to secure MSA Angell Park Speedway triumph
Sunday, May 15, 2022Wing 360MSAAngell Park,WI16Kurt Davis1All-time MSA A-main wins leader Davis shows the way at Angell Park Speedway
Sunday, August 1, 2021Wing 360MSAAngell Park,WI23Tim Haddy2Late pass nets Haddy MSA Angell Park Speedway triumph
Sunday, August 11, 2019Wing 360MSAAngell Park,WI23Travis ArenzTravis Arenz wins MSA at Angell Park
Sunday, July 21, 2019Wing 360MSAAngell Park,WI27Travis ArenzArenz continues MSA hot streak at Angell Park
Sunday, June 2, 2019Wing 360MSAAngell Park,WI31Travis ArenzTravis Arenz picks up win at Angell Park Speedway